Farm Fresh Southern Cooking b y Tammy Algood is a great introduction to the summer season. In this cookbook there are several interesting looking categories from appetizers to breads to canning instructions. As the book starts out, Tammy talks about farmer's markets and finding things locally grown. I must say that I did not grow up in the South, but have always been interested in their cooking. This cookbook was definitely an eye opener. These are not typical run of the mill recipes. I love the fact that Tammy post many farmer's markets locations in the South and talks a page about each one. This book had a few extreme recipes that I don't think I would try but there are several things that I want to try. There are beautiful pictures inside for most of the recipes. What I enjoyed most is that it really does span the length of the farmers market season. This cookbook covers from vegetable season to fruit season to the end with gourd season. Truly a neat cookbook.
I received this book as part of the Booksneeze review program in return for an honest review.